Since Covid ended, which now seems like a million years ago, there has been a big shift when it comes to the immediate availability of a Driving Instructor in Greater Belfast and in Northern Ireland as a whole. Back in the day you could pick up the phone to an Instructor you know and get fitted in a few days or weeks. Unfortunately for those looking to learn to drive or their parents/grandparents that level of availability just doesn't exist any more. Not even for the big Driving Schools.
The question is why is it so hard to find a Driving Instructor?
The honest answers are...
that we have surprisingly low numbers of Approved Driving Instructors through-out Northern Ireland right now. That number does fluxuate with, new additions after training, retirements and existing Instructors returning to more 9-5 jobs.
We have the same amount of students looking to learn every year and that reduced number of Instructors can only work with so many.
And even though we all work really hard are committed to what we do we still have families, home lives and hobbies that we need to cater for in order to keep our minds and bodies healthy so we can continue to commit and remain healthy.
We would all like to start new students upon request, be that by phone, email or via our other contact streams but more often than not we are working with full diaries and are committed to making sure the students we have pass their test before starting a new pupil.
As with all Instructors we can only hope for your understanding and continued patience.